ARH Writes
Sono Trovato
Go ahead. Take the chance. Fall in love with the unexpected and find yourself in the process. That is what Elenora did.
On the Right Track
How long is too long to wait for forever, especially when time has not been a friend in the past?
Safe Haven
We are all looking for our safe haven both here on earth and in heaven. It is a blessing to be able to find them both.
No Dice
Sometimes life gives you no choice but to roll the dice. He had run out of options battling a legacy he could not change.
Fragile Hope
We look for hope in the world around us and cherish it gently when we do find it, for it is so easy to lose.
Don J
Ahh to live this life, to have this world, I want to be like Don J the squirrel. Do you have a pet you adore?
The Knew Kid
What would you think if they really do know what you are thinking? Can animals feel the pain you’re holding inside?
A Dynamic Duo
In a world that does not seem to celebrate marriage anymore, it is always refreshing to gain the reminder of how cherished it can be.
Breaking Bad
While most of my stories in flash fiction are, well, fiction, this one actually has some element of truth. It took forever to clean that up.
Light of Your World
Star light star bright, bring me the wish I wish for tonight. The joy of the world for all to see, a star to shine and set man free.
Hitting the Mark
In the times that we live in, it is nice to be able to have a conversation about the good things that are going on in the world.
The Tree of Life
She never thought she would find a connection to her, but it was right there in her family tree. For this moment, she was where she belonged.
A Basket Case
He had waited a long time for this. They had both needed rescue and now they had both found a home—in each other.
Faithful Creator
There is nothing more beautiful than a faithful creator. Meet Emily Cook, a creator who is shining bright in a world that needs it.
Wednesdays With Sarah
Are you involved in a community that supports your work? Being with others who support you and what you love matters.
Don’t Cry Over Spilled . . .
Everything just seems harder when we are grieving. It takes being surrounded by those who can tell us the truth even when we are hurting.
It Takes an Eternity
He had to hurry. It wouldn’t be long before the next one sounded its chimed warning through the great hall.
No more feeling intimidated by the things that held her back. She would step out into the world now doing things her way.
No Place Like Home
It should not have taken all the life she had left to make it back home, but it did. Now she knew she would never leave.
Take Care
He worried so much about that little girl. How could he tell her that leaving was the best thing she could do?
A Hill of Beans
The blank page taunted her amid one distraction after another. When was it okay to stop expecting perfection?
Surviving the Fall
She privately mourned a love she could never admit she had. She would never again feel that freedom . . . or would she?
Sign of the Time
Everyone should have a group around them that brings out the smiles. This is just a fun description of how we spend our time together.
Search and Rescue
This was all she had left. She had to take the chance no matter what the result was. She didn’t want to be alone anymore.
Back to Home
How far would you go to discover who you are and where you belong. She was willing to take it to the cross.
This Little Light of Mine
There are days when it seems our impact is so insignificant. We can never forget the power the light has over the dark.
Buried No More
I closed my eyes. Just take a deep breath. Just do the next thing. One foot in front of the other.
String Theory
“That’s the dumbest thing I ever heard!” my brother shouts back across the yard. “What are we, toddlers?” he growls.
It had taken a long time to unlock the secrets of her heart. Now he just prayed he knew the key to keeping her forever.
A Place to Rest
It was the only place she felt at rest. They didn’t understand why she insisted upon coming here, but she knew what she needed.
A Sign Between Friends
“You can’t put it there!” she shouted. I looked over at my frustrated friend as I dropped the heavy post driver from over my head.
Tears streamed down her face as moments of exhaustion melted away into memories she didn’t even remember she had.
The Legacy
“Just take another step,” she begged herself as she shielded her eyes from the sun, “don’t turn around.”
All Together Now
She stumbled through the door overloaded with books and papers after a long morning of researching to find something, anything, that would bring her answers.
In the Beginning
There are too many opportunities in this life to take ourselves too seriously. What are you doing to break through?
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