Kristen and Danny Adams

Photo courtesy of Kristen and Danny Adams

A Dynamic Duo

If you have not yet had the joy of coming across this couple in your online feed, let me gladly introduce you. Meet Kristin and Danny Adams, online video sensations and champions of God, marriage, family, and humor. Humor? Yes, humor. This fantastically fun husband and wife team has a clear understanding that sometimes laughter really is the best medicine. Whether it is giving back to their community, writing books, hosting marriage conferences, or just entertaining for fun, they celebrate this life we are given and remind us that sometimes the most serious thing you can do is take yourself just a little less seriously. They demonstrate a clear understanding of what it means to shine the light you have been given to give light to someone else . . . and they do it with a smile. 

You can check out their videos right now!  Visit them on their YouTube channel at or catch the latest K & D craze on their Facebook page at This authentically heartfelt team also has released a must-read book on marriage that will leave you laughing and crying. It is titled The Road to Love and Laughter and can be found on Amazon.  No matter how you get there, just get there. There is no way you will leave empty hearted.

Life is short and comes with many challenges, but if you pay attention you will also see that even amid the challenges there is joy. Thank you to this dynamic duo who points to a joy so we can see.


Shannon Leach is a slice-of-life encouragement writer and the owner of A Repurposed Heart and ARH Inspirations. Her authentic stories and books about leadership, life, and loving people focus on encouraging others and reminding them they are not alone. Her work can also be found in Guideposts and multiple Chicken Soup for the Soul books. She also holds a bachelor’s degree in Social Work and is the co-founder of the nonprofit The Fostered Gift.

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My purpose is that they may be encouraged in heart and united in love, so that they may have the full riches of complete understanding, in order that they may know the mystery of God, namely, Christ, in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge.
Colossians 2:2-3 NIV


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