ARH Words

It’s the Little Things

Some of our biggest “it just so happened” moments have become the most wonderful unexpected blessings. Especially in hindsight.

Quick Fix

Sometimes in life you have to find the value in the things you would have not considered valuable. For me, that includes the quick fix.

The Rhythm of My Story

What is the rhythm of your story? What has composed your journey from the beginning to now? What is the story you tell? Is it true?

Time Warned Area

When storms strike, what do you do with the time until that storm passes? Are you using it well even in the middle of the storm?

All By Myself

There is nothing wrong with being independent. There is nothing wrong with asking for help. The problem only begins when we decide only one of those is possible.

I Can’t Unsee That

Are we avoiding seeing the things that we can’t unsee? How much compassion would there be if we could see the view of someone else’s world?

Worth the Wait

It is disappointing when our plans do not work out. What if our plans did not move forward because a better one was waiting for us?

Build It Better

Do you dabble in the details or dive on in? Does your focus on those details ever get in the way of building the kingdom?

Prove It

The battle of what is true and what is not can only be won within our minds and hearts. Don’t let all the confusion fool you . . . it is personal.

Safe Haven

We are all looking for our safe haven both here on earth and in heaven. It is a blessing to be able to find them both.

Priority Place

Do you give your goals a place to live in your schedule? Or are they just the location you dream of visiting someday?

‘Tis the Season

Are we just trying to get through the busyness of the season still standing? Maybe the season was meant to bring you more than a deadline.

Don J

Ahh to live this life, to have this world, I want to be like Don J the squirrel. Do you have a pet you adore?

The Knew Kid

What would you think if they really do know what you are thinking? Can animals feel the pain you’re holding inside?

Simple Gifts

When we are spending a lot of time trying to find that perfect gift, we must remember that sometimes the simplest answer is the right one.

Light of Your World

Star light star bright, bring me the wish I wish for tonight. The joy of the world for all to see, a star to shine and set man free.

Show, Don’t Tell

Writers are often guided to show and not tell their stories. What if we took that same advice in all that we do?

I Got This

I wonder what would happen if we didn’t tell God how far he can go? What does life look like when we move out of the way?

Recreate Me

It is a hard realization when we look in the mirror and see we have so far to go. We are a new creation, but we still need a lot reflection.

How Are You . . . Really?

These are tough times. But we can still check on each other and we can still look for light. I know where you can find some.

Break Time

How strong is your chain if one day off could break it? Is the goal just to get there or to enjoy the journey?

Sign of the Time

Everyone should have a group around them that brings out the smiles. This is just a fun description of how we spend our time together.

In the Beginning

There are too many opportunities in this life to take ourselves too seriously. What are you doing to break through?

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