I stand at the edge of a watery reflection,
And close my eyes to the rhythmic sound.
The gentle lap of the river releases the tears,
And allows heartbreak’s sorrow to pound.
My escape has always been with the current,
Finding peace walking where the water does run.
But this day brings news so overwhelming,
Even in sanctuary the pardon does not come.
Time had frozen the moment she said it,
A mighty tower taken by quick sinking sand.
What was infallible now lies deserted,
A redeemed heart returned to God’s hand.
Some question how greatness is measured.
In the honor of man or God or both?
But I have seen what it looks like to find it.
I have felt the resolve that gives hope.
You gifted me resolution and mercy,
taught the example of loyalty and hard work.
You were kindness enveloped in silence,
Never a need for so many words.
With humility, grace, and respect,
You made Jesus more than just talk.
You loved while here with all you had,
You did as you said, you walked the walk.
Your actions spoke your intentions,
Your character shined for the world.
Your heart given in a moment of decision,
That changed the life of this young girl.
You could have passed on the ask and said no,
No one would have thought about it twice.
But you took the chance and gave it your all,
In order to change someone’s life.
Now I stand here praying I told you enough,
How your wisdom and words changed it all.
I would never have made it without you,
And your example when I would fall.
I can never repay what you gave me,
But your lessons with me I keep.
I can cherish the chance that you offered,
I can pass on hope to those like me.
Because life slips through our hands like this water,
But upstream we will find all is right.
I stand thankful steadfast for what time we had,
Until the day you return to my sight.