In the times that we live in, it is nice to be able to have a conversation about the good things that are going on in the world, and there are good things going on at the A.I.M. organization. This non-profit based just outside of Nashville, TN is making its mark on youth and adults alike, teaching about the ultimate target, Jesus, through the love of archery. This organization travels the world to tell others about a Savior that never misses.
Men and women, young and old, all attend A.I.M.’s local indoor and outdoor shoots to learn and practice all the skills, from form to target, from praying hard to aiming high. A.I.M. also travels and speaks for workshops and team building, where Matt Newton, the founder and Executive Director of A.I.M., delivers a testimony that changes lives and guides hearts to focus on the real mission, telling others about the love of Jesus.
You can support this growing non-profit in prayer, in encouragement, and financially. To learn more about how you can help with, book, or attend an A.I.M. event, or to just learn more about this organization that is getting right to the point, you can visit them at their website at or on the A.I.M. Facebook page.